I am currently residing in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, situated in the northeastern region of Japan, where I devote my time to the art of film and digital photography, both in color and monochrome.
My passion for travel is boundless; it leads me to traverse the United States, explore various Asian destinations, and hold a particular fondness for nations such as the Philippines and Vietnam due to their extraordinary photographic scenes. Of course my original home state of Arizona is fantastic photographically speaking.
Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, my journey with film photography commenced during a high school course in the late 1970s—an era of profound memories. My youthful years were marked by extensive globe-trotting adventures. I have served in the United States Navy, followed by a career in the merchant marine, which has afforded me the privilege of visiting in excess of 40 countries, including engaging in operations within war zones and navigating challenging circumstances. The pursuit of thrill is intrinsic to my nature, and I am adept at navigating diverse locales across the globe.
I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese from Arizona State University and possess a significant level of proficiency in the Japanese language.
My extended period of formal education in the fields of painting and drawing has provided substantial benefits to my photographic endeavors particularly concerning the aspects of composition, the use of complementary colors, and the enhancement of my visual perception. Currently, I identify primarily as a street photographer, yet my interest readily extends to both urban and rural vistas that transcend conventional definitions of the genre. I have a pronounced preference for imagery that captures the essence of human interaction, even in the absence of individuals being physically depicted. Esteemed photographers such as Ernst Haas, Fred Herzog, Saul Leiter, Walker Evans, and Garry Winogrand exert significant influence on my work. Additionally, I harbor profound admiration for war correspondents like Eddie Adams and Nick Ut, whose work I find utterly compelling.
They say gear doesn’t matter. Well, it’s true gear won’t give you a good eye but regardless, I still like to get the best gear I can get my hands on.
- Leica M11 Rangefinder
- Fujifilm X-T4
- Leica M6 TTL Rangefinder
- Hasselblad 503cxi medium format
- Nikon FM2n 35mm
Thank you for your interest!
Direct Contact
22 Kajimachi, Taira – Iwaki-City – Fukushima – 970-8026 – Japan
Email: kevangogh@kevin-moore.com