As mentioned in the previous post, I shifted from painting to photography. I started making the changes on the website a year ago. Over the last month I’ve gone hog wild on it, trying to do it right. Hey, let me tell you what – it’s a hell of a lot of work. Adding galleries, figuring all of it out. I’m still not even close to being done but anyway, a lot of progress has been made over the last few weeks.
The main reason I have been lax on all of this is simply because I’ve spent the last 5 years doing practically nothing but taking photos, developing film, making darkroom prints, and learning. My middle name should be “Lens”. And traveling, to the Philippines, to Hanoi and Da Nang Vietnam, to Arizona. I’ve now got a decent body of work accumulated, much of which I’m happy with.
Then there is social media – Facebook is dead to me, Instagram sucks, and no way am I going to jack around with Twitter or X or Threads. No, I’d prefer to be an unknown photographer who is in control of his own content than be at the mercy of social media. Social media just sucks, it’s fleeting. You might produce the most beautiful photograph or painting, travel to exotic locations, spend loads of money on gear, upload it, and then if you lucky get a few likes. ONLY to be forgotten a minute later, forever. But the girl with the big boobs and duck lips will garner 10,000 likes, easily. I hate Meta, the whole thing. I’m opting out and the only real option seems to be the good old website. So here you go…